Devlog 7: Production 2 week 2

Hey again!

Aaaalright! Our second to last week of Production.. We are getting closer to the finish line!
But first, we should look at what we did this week right?

The Code

Code wise this week not much new stuff has been added to the game but mainly old things have been updated.

The Camera

The camera has been updated, to allow a clearer overview over puzzles;
now when you arrive at a puzzle, the camera will automatically position itself and zoom accordingly,
allowing a nice overview over the whole puzzle and making it easier to understand.

The Rope

The rope also received an update! the max size of the rope has been increased to allow more movement space for both player and this also allows some larger puzzles. Besides that,  a bug has been fixed where the rope would glitch visually when resizing the rope.


A new thing added to the game are spikes, they work fairly simple, if you touch them... you die,
resulting in you respawning.

The Art

We have quite some work to share with you!


One of the particles finally made the game! When the player walks a small cloud should appear at each footstep. It's still a bit hard to time the particles right and even the animation is not in there yet but we are happy to visualize what will come!

Visual elements

 After some testing out we realised that foreground that moves is a bit to difficult in the time we got. We changed it to visual elements to make the game more interesting! These are cave themed so this adds to the story. The elements let the player walk in front of them or behind them to give the level some more depth. These are in a very cartoony style so they fit with the characters. Each level has a different colored theme so the elements will also change color. In the last levels we will add vegetation!

Wall decor

To even add more to the archeologic story we will add some golden treasure in the walls. This is an example of the things we will put in. Don't worry about the sketchy lines: these will all be cleaned up during the polish stage. Think about treasure chests, golden compasses, diamonds and stuff like that.


The background is darkened now to give more of a cave feel and will just stand still. In the polishing stage we can add some more cave details.


The tilemap also got a new look - way simpler then before! This means it fits in more and gives the focus back to more important elements.
You can compare the screenshots above to the ones below to see the difference.

Main menu

Main menu is starting to come in the game. With the new title and the new colors it looks amazing! The background is still the level from the beginning. Next week when the levels are done we will change the background during the polish stage.


What about our lovely animations for our lovely characters you might ask? Well, this week, Lisa finished cleaning up the Running and Jumping animations for the little guy! They were quite messy and now they are fully ready!

And what about our big guy you may be wondering? No worries, we didn't forget about him! Due to the fact Lisa was sick last week, she wasn't able to do as much as she wanted, but she's fully back to finish up the big guy! 

His Running animation is now also fully cleaned up and proper looking ( no more messy sketch lines!). All that's left is 3 animations and then both of them have everything they need.

Next week

So next week is our final production week. Everything we want in our game has to be in then! So we are gonna push ourselves once more to get everything we want ready. After that, we'll have 2 weeks of Polishing!

See you next week!

Files 57 MB
May 03, 2022

Get The Ascend

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